Weight in llm

Numerical values assigned to the connections between neurons in the model's neural network #concept

Types of AI

Not all AIs are equal #concept


Large Language Model #concept

Key people on AI

Who are some of the most relevant people on AI? #concept

Generative AI

Artificial intelligence systems that can produce new content #concept

What is AI?

What is the definition of Artificial intelligence #concept

Start here

An intro to this website #meta

Resources - videos

Videos about AI #resources

Resources - People

Most knowlegable people on AI #resources

Resources - links

Tools, links, other resources... #resources

Resources - courses

Courses on AI #resources

Resources - books

Best books on AI #resources

Resources - blogs

Most relevant blogs on AI #resources

Resources - articles

Some of the best articles on AI #resources

Natural language processing

What is nlp? #concept

Machine Learning

What is machine learning? #concept

Deep Learning

What is deep learning? #concept

What is the best path to learn AI?

The best path to learn about AI #concept


What this page is about. #meta